4Visualization provides 3D scans of faces, bodies, structures and objects for the vfx and video game industries. Using specialised, portable scanning technology we have the ability to quickly and accurately create an exact digital copy of a structure, movie set or objects that you can use for the pre-visualisation of film scenes, for the extension of real film sets and for special effects.

We can scan ships, aircraft, automobiles, and with a toolbox full of different scanning technologies, we are experts at utilising the perfect scanning solution for an object’s physical characteristics and material properties to deliver your models on budget and in time.

We can rapidly create perfect, watertight 3D models that you can import into various CGI platforms. In addition, visual effects artists and animators can use these 3D models in Maya, 3dsMax and more.


Interested? Call us! +31 624864594 or send us an email: info@4visualization.eu